February 28, 2011

Cuture is evil

Panorama (the best investigation show on British telly NDLR), has just shown an edifying piece on the new technique David Cameron, a.k.a. The father of 'Big Society', would like to make more widespread in the country: having ex-militaries running 'tough' schools, to bring discipline into these little f*c*ers' heads.

And it's really scary: the kids have better results, discipline is now back where gangs were running the place 10 years ago. Well, don't get me wrong, it's not scary because of that – this is just the cherry on the cake, and well done to these guys for achieving that. No, what's scary is the underlying philosophy, the one that says to get kids alright, you need to train them like militaries – they've shown images of the kernel giving these sweet angels lessons on...how to shoot properly (with a real rifle and stuff). The youngsters also learn to march, for the parade; they sit quietly in the school hall and answer their names only when asked; they practise tactics and leadership in groups – just that solely the designated 'leader' is allowed to talk when they accomplish a task, such as, building a tower (with Lego). Good Lord, I couldn't survive 10 minutes in that leadership class! Story doesn't say whether the kid who has dared talking while he was not the leader has been sent to a prison cell...

Scarier, it appears that some of these kids in their early teens are more willing to enter the army than other kids...though the kernel assures us this is not the case 'they will change their mind a few years later and have no more inclination than others to join the military.' And we're told that David Cameron would be happy to have such measures extended to other schools...if that's the 'Big society' we're heading to, good luck guys to help children develop successfully in an ever changing world; good luck to help them develop their creativity (what's that?), their critical mind (uh?), their adaptability...at least, they can be obedient, and well-mannered, which are very useful qualities nowadays.

And that just connects very well with the other programmes from Mr Cameron, whose very first measures included heavy budgets cuts on cinematographic and culture creation...Will the multi-Oscar winner 'King's Speech' save the UK Film Council from being axed? We hope so, and that these awards are in line with Cameron's wish that 'the UK produces more films like Harry Potter' (omph!).

Culture is evil, my friend, 'Ordnung und Regel' must be!

And if you want to sign the petition to save the UK Film Council, that's here

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